December 23rd: Christmas Essential Punch – Our secret recipe for a Christmas cinnamon punch
If it is cold outside and you want something that warms you from the inside, I can recommend you the following recipe for a Christmas cinnamon punch:
- 1L Orange juice
- 1L Grape juice
- 1L Water
- 3 Teabags of fruit tea
- 3 Teabags of punch seasoning
- 1 Orange
- 2 Cinnamon sticks
- 3-4 cloves
- Sugar according to your own taste
- Rum if you want to make it alcoholic

At first, cut the orange in slices and measure the juice and water. Pour everything into a big pot and add the orange slices. If you have a tea infuser at home you can put the tea bags, cloves and sticks of cinnamon into it and hang it in the pot. If not, it is not a problem, you can also simply throw them into the pot. After that, heat everything up until it is boiling hot then decrease the temperature and let it brew for about 10-15 minutes at medium heat. In the end add some sugar as needed. All of our older readers can now add some rum if you want.
Some warm Christmas cinnamon punch is the perfect drink to have while reading a blog article, so come back tomorrow for our next post about Christmas.
written by Bernhard