What is Vienna without really good bread?
Öfferl is a Viennese bakery combining tradition and a strong connection to home with a completely new approach to baking bread. Whether you pick up a loaf for a special occasion or its already a staple in your kitchen – this bakery’s goods are the best bread you can get in Vienna!

The bakery is truly a family business with the heart of the operation being Georg, his mother Brigitte, his father Walter, and his cousins Sandra and Lukas.
Their mission was to create the best bread they could and in order to do that they had to rethink completely how bread production and bakery management are approached. And they quite literally started at the roots. A Motto of theirs is “Vom Boden weg” roughly translating to “From the ground up” which symbolizes their approach to making great bread by starting with looking at the ground the grains for their bread grow in.
They wanted to create bread that represented their home Austria and could speak for itself in taste and quality and in doing so they decided to take the less-traveled road. They committed to a switch from ready-made baking mixes to organic products and bread made from natural sourdough.

With this switch, they already separated themselves and stood out in the world of bread making but they went a step further and stayed true to their emphasis on their connection to their roots and their home. They place great importance on knowing where their ingredients come from and who produces them, so the products are sourced from some of the best organic farmers in Austria, who they all know by name. They know that the eggs on their Sunday’s Brioche are from happy chickens on Eva Schäffer’s farm, they know the grain for their bread is from another family running an organic farm and they know that their cheese for their Almkässtangerl or for the breakfast in their bistro is from the family Höflmaier.
On top of that, all of their bread and pastries are handmade with lots of care by them and their team in the bakeries where they are sold. With their effort in producing authentic, organic hand-made products they are setting a precedent that you can taste!
Georg’s favourite motto is: “Be the change you want to see in the world” and when you eat their bread you can tell they are living by that motto!
written by Maike