Online Advent?

December 8th: Online Advent? – Ideas how your socially distanced Christmas can be a lot of fun.

This year we all have to adjust a bit to the weird circumstances. It’s not really possible to see a lot of people and spend time together, so we want to share some ideas for a fun Christmas online.

Our first suggestion would be to just call your loved ones. This is a slightly obvious one, but during such busy times like December we tend to forget to include phone calls like that. It doesn’t only brighten your mood, but also the mood of the person you’re talking to. It can be a quick catchup or hours of talking and spending some time “together”.

Another suggestion we’d like to share is including your friends in all the traditional Christmas activities through a video call. Just put your laptop next to you whilst baking, decorating or wrapping the presents. You can talk in the meantime and almost get the feeling like they’re there with you!

Lastly, there’s an analogue activity which you can transfer into the online world as well. Playing games. There are so many platforms that offer online games which you can enjoy with your friends and family over the distance.

Of course, these suggestions are nothing like normal Christmas times, but there is for sure some potential. Try to make the best out of the situation and enjoy those new experiences with your loved ones at a distance.

written by Katharina

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