It’s summer and the weather is beautiful (some might say even a bit too hot). But anyway, it’s time for fun outdoor activities. The first thing you might think of in Austria is going on a hike, but especially when you live in Vienna, it’s a bit hard to get to some proper mountains to go on a proper hike. Here’s where our tip comes into play: A vineyard hike in Vienna.
Vineyards on Kahlenberg
Vienna is surrounded by Kahlenberg – yes, it’s a smaller “mountain” (some might say it’s just a hill), but it still makes for a nice hike. It also features amazing views of the Viennese skyline from above. And the cool thing: In the summer and autumn you can enjoy more than just a regular hike. The vineyards and “Heurigen” on Kahlenberg open their doors. You can visit as many as you want, stop for a glass of wine, a typical Austrian Spritzer and with some of them even get yourself a snack or some food.

How it works
You can either start from Nussdorf or Grinzing, but no matter which you choose, you can easily get there by public transport. We suggest starting from Grinzing and ending at Nussdorf, just because most of the vineyards are closer to Nussdorf. This means you start with the difficult part (the hike up) and can treat yourself with a drink towards the end of the hike. The whole distance is just 5.5 km so it should be manageable even if you get a but tipsy by the end of it.
There are at least ten or so vineyards along the way that you can visit, depending on how many stops you want to do. The views of the city are amazing, especially when you hike down towards Nussdorf and see the whole city in front of you. Depending on when you go, you might want to call the vineyards in advance to make sure you save yourself a spot. Especially on beautiful summer weekends, some of them are quite busy and it might be hard to get a table if you don’t book one in advance. Also make sure to check the opening times of the different places – some of them are only open on weekends, so make sure that you’re not surprised by many of them being closed during the week.
The Route
You can find the link to the map and detailed descriptions of how to go here. Thanks for for the route and the map which makes it super easy to follow along. They have many other cool vineyards hikes on their website, so make sure to check them out if you enjoyed your hike on Kahlenberg.

Recommended Places
To make life a bit easier, here is a list of the best places along the way so you can check them out before you go:
Buschenschank Wanderer | Wildgrubgasse 20, 1190 Wien
You can find out more on their Facebook Page.
Buschenschank Mayer am Nussberg | Kahlenberger Straße vis-a-vis 210, 1190 Wien
Find out more on their website.
Heuriger Sirbu | Kahlenbergerstraße 210, 1190 Wien
You can find their website here.
Buschenschank Wailand | Kahlenberger Straße/ Ecke Eisernenhandgasse
More details on their website here.
Buschenschank Wieninger am Nussberg | Eichelhofweg 125, 1190 Wien
You can find all details on their website.
Monte Nucum Buschenschank | Eichelhofweg 117, 1190 Wien
All details on their website here.
Fuhrgassl-Huber am Nussberg | Eichelhofweg 104, 1190 Wien
Their website is here.
Buschenschank Windischbauer | Eichelhofweg, 1190 Wien
Details and reservation on their website.
Buschenschank Franzinger | Eichelhofweg 104, 1190 Wien
All details on their website.
Buschenschank Emmerich Glashüttner | Obere Schos, 1190 Wien
All details on the website.
Heuriger Kierlinger | Kahlenbergerstraße 20, 1190 Wien
Find all details on their website.
Heuriger Schübel–Auer | Kahlenberger Straße 22, 1190 Wien
Everything you need to know on their website.
Enjoy the hike
We are sure you will enjoy the hike and the wine along the way. If you are still looking for company along the way, make sure to check out the Xperience App. It’s the best way to find friends and people who share your interests in Vienna and makes it super easy to meet other people and enjoy your vineyard hike together.
If you are still looking for more inspiration for this summer, make sure to check out our post about the best activities for the summer. We’re sure you’ll love the ideas there as well.
Have fun!